It was my first. My heart was pounding with excitement and butterflies in my stomach. I have been through such things previously but then this was my first with him. No, don’t get me wrong, I am talking about my first trek with my boyfriend-husband.
Many emails and phone calls and gang of friend were a result of this madness that I agreed to.
It’s obvious, newly married don’t usually go for treks. They go for honeymoon series 1, 2 and more. But the kind of people, we are we agreed to this and the plan began, the Green Trek Expedition.Cars packed with snacks and water, camping requisites, we started our journey at 4 am in car and drove down to a common point. While waiting for the gang to join up, as it was a beautiful foggy morning we stopped at a tea stall, sipped some hot beverages. In half hour a group of 50-60 of us assembled together and we left for the 2 hours long road trip to trekking base camp
We parked our cars, gobbled some breakfast (in my case some chips and sandwiches) and soon started walking towards the hill. The villagers there looked at us like we were crazy enough to do this but those stared to us went unnoticed as we were breath taken by the scenery around. An hour of walking and we reached crystal clear pools which motivated us to float around & swim... and oops there were some leaches around. Ascending and descending various pools, cliffs and hillocks we reached highest altitude. Wow, mesmerizing beauty of Chennai it was.
By the time we reached the top, it was time for sunset and for few minutes we enjoyed the sunset point. Maggi and breads to our rescue as we were almost famished. Into our sleeping bags we retired for the day. Apparently it drizzled the whole night but we were all so tired that it went unobserved. Sounds of chirping birds and beautiful sunrise woke us up. Soon after the morning chores by the bushes, we descended towards our base camp.
I had a feeling that getting down a lot easier and faster as by now we were quite familiar with routes we had marked while climbing. And there lots of gossips, lots of findings and an adventurous trip of jumping rocks and cliffs came to end.